Preventing SQL Injection in PHP

SQL Injection is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to insert or inject a SQL query into an application. Injection is number one vulnerability on the OWASP Top Ten list for 2013. Common ways to exploit this vulnerability is to add a SQL statement into a form element or by sending POST/GET requests with the query using known parameters. The risk of SQL injection is loss or compromise of critical or sensitive data. more…

Implementing CSRF Protection in PHP

CSRF protection for forms is easy to implement in PHP

Cross-site request forgery [CSRF] is a type of attack where a user is tricked/forced into performing an unwanted action on a friendly website that they are authenticated with. For example, if a user is logged into their bank and then visits a malicious site, it is possible that the malicious site can use the user’s session to make requests to the bank server. more…