Scroll Back to Top WordPress Plugin Button Designs

The WordPress Scroll Back to Top plugin is extremely flexible and can accommodate nearly any design to match an existing website.  By adjusting a few simple configuration options you can easily adapt the plugin to your site in minutes.  To give you some inspiration for different scroll to top button ideas and to illustrate how simple it is to change the design I have a few screenshots of the button in action along with the settings needed to execute the design. more…

Adding an AJAX Login Form to a Symfony Project

Adding an AJAX powered login form to a Symfony 2 project is pretty simple, but there are a few things to cover. The first is that the Symfony firewall handles authentication by sending a form to the route defined in the app/config/security.yml as the check_path for the firewall. So to login using AJAX, a form needs to be posted to that route along with a few fields, _username, _password, _remember_me, and if you’ve enabled CSRF for your form, the _csrf_token, field. more…

Localize Scripts in WordPress to Use PHP Variables in Javascript

Accessing PHP variables in javascript using WordPress can come in very handy, especially in plugins or themes that use separate javascript files and php page templates where accessing a variable is not possible to do directly. A great example of where this would be necessary is when you have a string that needs to be translated using PHP but is to be rendered using javascript, maybe in an alert box or error message more…